Thursday, April 17, 2008

Really Big Surprise

This week I got the surprise of all surprises! Thanks to Facebook, which I check occasionally to keep in touch with a few people, my bestfriend from high school found me and sent me an email!

In the 80's Judy was my bestest of friends in high school. I went to my first concert with Judy (Depeche Mode 4/3/85 Oakland, CA), we used to go out dancing practically every weekend, we had lots of sushi dinners and went to SF to go hang out by day and by night we went to a particularly cool bar that didn't check ID.... ah those were the days!

We went to SF State University together, but like normal people we grew apart. We were on really different paths ~ there wasn't a fight or anything (that I can remember) but it was a clear division between us at that time and it wasn't a great happy thing. So that was it, we went our separate ways.

So this week, about 15 years later, I get an email from a name I don't totally recognize but the subject line has my high school nickname (no I'm not telling the nickname) so I opened it immediately! I was stunned! Judy just joined Facebook because a friend of hers invited her and she found me.

After all this time and you might think it'd be akward, since our friendship ended as it had, but I just wanted to know what she was doing, where she was, etc. She's married now (hence my not recognizing her name), has a baby, & lives in the East Bay. We have sent quite a few lengthly emails trying to fill in the blanks and there is still SO much to cover. I can't wait to get to see her in person to really catch up.

Guess I finally found a good reason not to have gotten married, huh? Otherwise, she'd never have found me...

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