Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Olympic Torch Drama

After living in SF for 14 years and going to school at SFSU you think I'd be used to all the protests that happen in The City (PS no it's NOT "Frisco") with the shanty town on campus, etc... But the drama that occurred today to insure that the torch made it's way through town without too much disruption was pretty amazing. I listened to updates on the radio through the day - there were protests scheduled for specific locations and times and no torch (Oops!). But how were they to know where to go?

So hints of locations would be leaked and I can just see (in my mind's eye) the rush to get to where everyone thinks the torch route was changed to. All those people in black *it is the official dress code ~ unless you're expecting the other outfit: plaid shirt, jeans and work boots often found in the Castro ~ waiting to shout and wave their signs.

What's really sad are the people in support of the Torch Run that weren't able to see it go by because of all the route changes. :o(

Hmmmm not sure what the feeling should be around all this... pleased that the city protected the torch, overwhelmed by all the protesters, or sad for the folks that didn't get to see it at all because the route kept changing.

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