Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Say 'Hello' to your Inner-Supervillian

Ever wonder how you could become the next Dr Horrible?

Well, now you can visit Henchman's Helper to access the Inner-Supervillian we all have inside.... um, we all have this inside us, right?

What more could you want: live webcams from around the world,weather updates, a large ominous-looking infrared satellite image of North America..... Mwahahaha!

PS - Henchman’s Helper is Creative Commons–based, so you can modify it to your own, nefarious purporses. ;)

I love a good Dance Movie

& sometimes I like the not so good ones as well....

I don't really know where I got the DNA that makes me love pretty much all things dance. It wasn't from my mom because she's not really a fan of musicals and I don't think it's from my dad either....

Recently I unexpectedly got caught up watching Breakin' 2 - Electric Boogaloo on cable. Like all formulaic movies in the 80's this one has the same basic format along with breakdancing and a *very* young IceT raping to save a local community center.

Back in the day this film was "Rad" (or 'Bad'... whatever) and while I was enjoying it for the most part, it was this below dance-off scene that disapoints - it's really just so corny!

Watching this movie reminded me that in 1980 my birthday present from my folks was to go to the East Coast to stay with my grandmother for a week or so in the summer. (Side Note: The experience of being in New Jersey /New York in August made it clear to me that I'm not made for living in the East Coast due to the weather there - way too cold in the winter and too muggy and hot in the summer)

Anyhoo, I somehow convinced my grandmother to take me to see the Movie Fame, which had recently released, and while it kind of shocked the heck out of her, I LOVED! the film. I think it may have been a bit grown up for my age but whatever, I loved it...

Now I tend to watch, if not in a theater at least on DVD and/or cable, a lot of musical / dance movies. Recently I watched the Way She Move, which was disapointing; but I really enjoyed the final dance competion in Stomp the Yard ~ those hot gleaming biceps weren't disapointing! I have seen both Step Up movies and the dancing in those are just fantastic. & while I can't force myself to watch the sequel the original, Save the Last Dance with Julie Styles, is always enjoyable to watch.

And I have to admit that if I find Dirty Dancing playing on TV I'm easily sucked in... and for those of you who haven't given Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights a second thought you should check it out! Diego Luna was awsome and to not disapoint the original Dirty Dancing fans: Patrick Swayze makes a cameo which fit okay with the story line.

Now dance shows have permated into my TV/DVR. My top favs are So You Think You Can Dance (Fox) & America's Best Dance Crew (MTV). Depending on what's going on in my life I'll watch Dancing with the Stars - this last season the show was raised a notch for me by having Lacy Schwimmer join the dance pro's (was a finalist on Season 3 of SYTYCD as was one of my personal favorites!). Lacy was paired with Lance Bass and I enjoyed watching their performances since Lacy really brought her own personal flavor (to the general distaste to Len Goodman).

So where is all this going?? It's all about an anticipated Guilty Pleasure: Dance Flick. This dance-spoof movie will be coming out some time this year... I thought it was going to released early this year but now on it's reflecting a Aug release date. I doubt I'll think about it too much between now and then (depending on how much advertisment there is) but it's sort of penciled in on my calendar. Luckily this spoof-film is a Wayans family project, and they do know how to do funny right (mostly). I'm really hoping to enjoy it even though I'll have to wait till August.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

Spider-Man hangs with Obama

Barack Obama collected Spider-Man comics as a child, so Marvel Comics wanted to give him a "shout-out back" by featuring him in a bonus story, said Joe Quesada, Marvel's editor-in-chief.

"How great is that? The commander in chief to be is actually a nerd in chief," Quesada said. "It was really, really cool to see that we had a geek in the White House. We're all thrilled with that."

The comic starts with Spider-Man's alter-ego Peter Parker taking photographs at the inauguration, before spotting two identical Obamas.

Parker decides "the future president's gonna need Spider-Man," and springs into action, using basketball to determine the real Obama and punching out the impostor.

Obama thanks him with a fist-bump.

For fans of Spider-Man and those wanting to own a part of this historic moment in American history, visit your local comic book retailer on January 14, 2009 to purchase the issue.

Original article in found here

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Guilt'09 is in full force (as usual)

Yes, as always the beginning of a new year equals GUILT.

In fact Guilt'09 practically drenched my Sunday newspaper with all the ads reflecting sales for:

*Workout Clothes (because you must look fashionable while you sweat off the makeup)

*Workout DVDs (as if any work out DVD is going to get turned on once you tune into your DVR to watch last nights ep of Flavor of-Charm School-Tool Academy!?!)

*Home Workout Equipment (sure, that treadmill will become a bulky clothes hanger in 2 months)

*Gym Membership Deals (can't start the new year without keeping your resolutions right?)

Speaking of New Year Resolutions: Nope, I don't buy into it and don't make any. I forget how long ago I stopped making a list. Seeing as I always forgot about them around March anyway, I decided why bother. If I, in general, try to be a good person for myself, friends and family that should be good enough.

While the volume of 2009 Gym Membership direct mail crowds my mail box I just toss them into the recycling bin. I've been a long standing gym member since college because I know what kind of person I am. Some people can work a job from home or work out in their living room every night ~ I'm just not that kind of person with that level of discipline. I instead am drawn, like a moth to a flame, to my TV &/or movies (thanks to Netflix DVDs arrive regularly in my mailbox right along with the direct mail crap). Luckily I know this about myself so I've passed on offers over the years to become a consultant or telecommute for work ,etc. While these work options became pretty popular here in the SillyConValley I know that I need to be held "accountable" in person, with a desk, etc at a place of work to keep me focused. ( I swear that I'm typing this during my lunch break...)

Over the years it's been a love / hate relationship with my gym, but I'll never give up the membership since I'm locked in for an inexpensive yearly rate and have access to so many of the chain gyms all over... At times when I've taught Bellydance classes I'll get free access to the gym of that place, but I'd still never give up the actual membership because the interest in bellydance can waiver and before I know it the YMCA is bringing in new Zumba classes until the next new 'it' class turns up.

Keeping my gym membership is kind of like keeping that X on speed-dial - you know if you happened to make call they'd show up for a visit at your behest, just because....

I like knowing that I can go to the gym when I want/feel like it, or go to the gym where I'm teaching (when that happens), or skip it all when I just don't feel like going because I have a standing date with my DVR.

There is a fantastic Rhymes with Orange comic from a few years ago that has a permanent spot on my kitchen fridge (sorry I didn't get around to scanning it) which shows a gym regular yelling at all "New Year Resolution" folks on the cardio machines telling them to "get out of my gym and go back to your food courts!" I really do love that comic!!!

Well, that's enough for Guilt'09 - I'm off to take a bellydance class through the local Parks and Rec's!