Wednesday, March 17, 2010

File Under: That was more than I thought it would be....

While tonight marks the day to wear green for most everyone (I'm wearing purple, so there - but my scarf has some green in it), drink green beer, etc.... I'm doing something so opposite of green beer and food. Instead I going out for Tapas with some friends to celebrate their accomplishment of passing an exam we studied for together at the end of 2009.

While I studied hard with them, I chose to take the more *senior* version of the HR exam - hence the title of this blog - and didn't pass it. I am however, determined to persevere and I'm back in a longer class (12 weeks) over the cram it all in at once 4 day-8 hours per day class I took in October. I'm also utilizing an awesome - incredibly knowledgeable resource: my friend Dawn.

Dawn is helping me study in a more grad-student kind of way - definitely a new to me way to study. Mind you, I completed college in 1992 so it's been some time to wrap my mind around actually studying... workshops and seminars don't really count as those are more experiential and don't involve a 4 hour test at the end of the daylong or few hour seminar.

So tonight I'll be raising a class of sangria to my friends success and the expectation of my own success this spring when I take the senior level test again and hopefully! pass.