Yes, here in the Bay Area many grocery stores have run out of their Passover supplies, specifically Matzo which is an essential staple for Passover. I, being allergic to wheat and only eating Gluten free crackers, etc, I wasn’t purchasing matzo to eat this week anyway.
I’ve heard the theory is that because this year Easter was in March the grocery stores displayed their Kosher Passover foods at that same time – presuming that the two holidays were occurring consecutively, which is not the case….
Costco didn’t carry matzo this year in their famous gargantuan quantities (As a single gal I could never buy matzo at Costco because just I couldn’t eat 10 boxes of matzo in 8 days!). Even Trader Joe’s which has become a great source for alternative foods (including lots of gluten free products for folks like me as well as Kosher, Vegan, etc) took a pass this year for the Jews ~ they weren’t carrying Matzo nationwide in all their stores. Really now, what kind of message does this send?
Seriously though, it’s really weird this Matzo shortage. Can’t remember a shortage like this before. I don’t think it was planned or anything so I’m not taking it personally ~ especially since I’m personally not affected (with not eating wheat and all) ~ but the idea of kids not being able to have a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff matzo sandwich is just depressing! That was my childhood favorite during Passover!
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