Friday, May 30, 2008

Island is Moved : Sawyer looses Shirt

The lost finale delivered!


* Glad that they showed the island experience along with the flash forwardy stuff - meshing it all together in the end, not bad!

* Awesome fight between Saiyd & Keamy but good thing Alpert showed up when he did...

*Sawyer calls Frank "Kenny Rogers"

*M.M. totally called it - Sawyer would sacrifice himself and not get on/ stay on the helicopter.

*Nice touch Sawyer loosing his shirt on his swim back shore - that's sure to show up on YouTube in slo-mo (I hope)

*Kate had a HOT kiss with Sawyer after he whispered something to her (wonder when we'll learn what he said?)

*Michael fulfilled his debt to the island so Jack's dad said 'bye-bye'

*Poor Hurley, he couldn't convince Jack that the island was moved (Jack's level of denial is so amazing... well, where'd the island go then dude?!)

*Sun is a total bad ass!

*Desmond got his happy ending w/ Penny

*Ben looks a a lot better / healthier since he's been exiled from the island - whereas Jack is rock bottom: drugs and breaking into funeral homes - tisk tisk!

*Speaking of funeral homes: Body in coffin = OMG!

Now, how long do we have to wait for the next season????

1 comment:

T. said...

That is the dopiest looking pic of Sawyer I've ever seen and he's still ridiculously hot.