Friday, May 30, 2008

Island is Moved : Sawyer looses Shirt

The lost finale delivered!


* Glad that they showed the island experience along with the flash forwardy stuff - meshing it all together in the end, not bad!

* Awesome fight between Saiyd & Keamy but good thing Alpert showed up when he did...

*Sawyer calls Frank "Kenny Rogers"

*M.M. totally called it - Sawyer would sacrifice himself and not get on/ stay on the helicopter.

*Nice touch Sawyer loosing his shirt on his swim back shore - that's sure to show up on YouTube in slo-mo (I hope)

*Kate had a HOT kiss with Sawyer after he whispered something to her (wonder when we'll learn what he said?)

*Michael fulfilled his debt to the island so Jack's dad said 'bye-bye'

*Poor Hurley, he couldn't convince Jack that the island was moved (Jack's level of denial is so amazing... well, where'd the island go then dude?!)

*Sun is a total bad ass!

*Desmond got his happy ending w/ Penny

*Ben looks a a lot better / healthier since he's been exiled from the island - whereas Jack is rock bottom: drugs and breaking into funeral homes - tisk tisk!

*Speaking of funeral homes: Body in coffin = OMG!

Now, how long do we have to wait for the next season????

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Indy 4

Wednesday night Julie, Mollie and I met to watch Indy 4. I think that Mollie forgot to bring her Indiana Jones hat that she threatened to wear. (Dodge skipped this movie trip because I she's "a movie talker" if she's not 100% into the movie so she passed)

We arrived early enough to get seats and watch the trailers (more about those in a bit). For a Wednesday night I was surprised how many people there were in the theater. The downside to it being midweek is that some woman decided it would be okay to bring her very young child who made noise and cried during the film. I along with others shushed them, and Mollie out of frustration left and complained to a manager - and the manager came in and talked to the woman but she didn't leave - I just tried to ignore the annoying kid noise.

Okay, back to the film - Harrison Ford has definitely stood the test of time and was as great as ever! The beginning of the film really set a pace that I hoped would be continued (unfortunately that wasn't the case). Cate Blanchette was fantastically hot as the femme fatale Soviet vamp. I so want her gloves! Shia (or Shelia as a friend insists on calling him) was enjoyable as the Marlon Brando Greaser kid : BUT he's no next-Indiana Jones. & I really loved the soda shop fight between the greasers and the socs - it was so The Outsiders!

The consensus was that the practical stunts and effects (rather than CGI effects) were really good. Julie was pretty grossed out by the ants. And everyone thought it was a good movie but wasn't a 5 out of 5 in the final rating.... the story twist felt just a little bit too Close Encounters of the Third Kind....

Our after movie treat was supposed to be a stop at the Beard Papa's Cream Puff place next to the theater - but sadly it was closed. I've still never been there! :o(

The Trailers:

  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was one of the trailers shown ~ I recognized Brad Pitts voice during the voice over but I'm not sure about this film yet....

  • Hellboy II: The Golden Army trailer was also shown. The trailer started with the mythical world that just looked amazing, and then reference to Guillermo del Toro was mentioned and then it clicked that it was Hellboy = guess it's going on my list of matinee movies to watch!

  • The more trailers I see for Kung Fu Panda the more interested I am in seeing it.

  • There was a trailer for a movie the Shia LaBeouf is in but I don't totally remember the name - after a quick check at I presume it was for Eagle Eye...
  • Twilight was the last trailer and though I'm just a sucker for vampire movies it looked really good...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Making Headlines

I'm feeling out of the loop lately.... here are a few things that have hit my radar recently, that I just want to squawk about:

Elf Much?

What is going on with 'kids' today?!?!

Body modification is not new, clearly... but somehow Spock / Elf ears have made it to main stream. I don't mean glue on, Halloween prosthetics. I mean I went to the Plastic Surgeon and got a pair or ears (not boobs). Hmmmmm... think I'll Pass, Thanks.

Rachel Ray is a Terrorist

All Rachel wanted to do was sell donuts and iced coffee...

In this picture you see that scarf that she is wearing ~ it's a Kaffyiah and honestly I didn't realize that this is now the 'symbol' of Muslim extremism and terrorism. But Dunkin Donuts isn't taking any chances. They have pulled these advertisements with her wearing the scarf

I just want you all to know that I bought my very own Kaffyiah while I lived
in Israel from a Jewish family owned shop back in '89...

Drum Roll Please.....

I don't know if online video's 'drop' the way an album does but Kelly's new song/video has dropped and you really need to check it out here. (sorry I haven't figured out the adding a video thang)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Girl goes on Expedition

This weekend I am visiting a universe that I have no familiarity with. Not that I’m a sheltered girl by any means but really this is going to be a unique experience for me.

Kubla Con is a really BIG Game Convention and I’m going to go and hang out with a friend that is working there ~ I’m set up to be a volunteer so I get to go and observe (the gamers that is). I think it’s going to be like going on an urban safari…

... like traveling to a foreign country where you just don’t know the language. Because unless the language is ‘old school’ video game or maybe a board game like Clue or a game of domino's I think I’m gonna be out of the loop!

I’m definitely an old school video game fan – my favorite arcade game is centipede (if you don’t know what an arcade is then you probably don’t get to Dave and Busters much do you).
To be honest I don’t play all that many online games either, just the occasional free video games online. I haven’t even played Guitar Hero like some around here who are outright addicted. As any self respecting gal with a smidgen of Pop Culture awareness I know about things like Second Life and WOW, etc but I have no first-hand experience with them….. (btw if you haven’t checked out The Guild on YouTube you really should… ;)
I’m thinking I’ll pack some binoculars to get a good look at the "gamers" in their natural habitat.
Wish me luck!

Can't even imagine....

I'm sharing this interesting bit of info that I came across recently. It may not be new to you but I was quite surprised by it and am much happier knowing its 2008.

1943 Guide to Hiring Women

The following is an excerpt from the July 1943 issue of Transportation Magazine. This was written for male supervisors of women in the work force during World War II.

"Eleven Tips on Getting More Efficiency Out of Women Employees: There's no longer any question whether transit companies should hire women for jobs formerly held by men. The draft and manpower shortage has settled that point. The important things now are to select the most efficient women available and how to use them to the best advantage.

Here are eleven helpful tips on the subject from Western Properties:

1. Pick young married women. They usually have more of a sense of responsibility than their unmarried sisters, they're less likely to be flirtatious, they need the work or they wouldn't be doing it, they still have the pep and interest to work hard and to deal with the public efficiently.

2. When you have to use older women, try to get ones who have worked outside the home at some time in their lives. Older women who have never contacted the public have a hard time adapting themselves and are inclined to be cantankerous and fussy. It's always well to impress upon older women the importance of friendliness and courtesy.

3. General experience indicates that "husky" girls - those who are just a little on the heavy side - are more even tempered and efficient than their underweight sisters.

4. Retain a physician to give each woman you hire a special physical examination - one covering female conditions. This step not only protects the property against the possibilities of lawsuit, but reveals whether the employee-to-be has any female weaknesses which would make her mentally or physically unfit for the job.

5. Stress at the outset the importance of time the fact that a minute or two lost here and there makes serious inroads on schedules. Until this point is gotten across, service is likely to be slowed up.

6. Give the female employee a definite day-long schedule of duties so that they'll keep busy without bothering the management for instructions every few minutes. Numerous properties say that women make excellent workers when they have their jobs cut out for them, but that they lack initiative in finding work themselves.

7. Whenever possible, let the inside employee change from one job to another at some time during the day. Women are inclined to be less nervous and happier with change.

8. Give every girl an adequate number of rest periods during the day. You have to make some allowances for feminine psychology. A girl has more confidence and is more efficient if she can keep her hair tidied, apply fresh lipstick and wash her hands several times a day.

9. Be tactful when issuing instructions or in making criticisms. Women are often sensitive; they can't shrug off harsh words the way men do. Never ridicule a woman - it breaks her spirit and cuts off her efficiency.

10. Be reasonably considerate about using strong language around women. Even though a girl's husband or father may swear vociferously, she'll grow to dislike a place of business where she hears too much of this.

11. Get enough size variety in operator's uniforms so that each girl can have a proper fit. This point can't be stressed too much in keeping women happy."

Monday, May 19, 2008

Everything Old is New Again

The thought that Movie and TV writers/studios can't come up with new concepts is so not a new idea, and they are at it again. Recycling to the 9th degree....

Yes, Beverly Hills 90201 is coming back as a new TV show just dubbed 90210 - they have dropped the Bev-Hills bit. I started watching the original from the very beginning and immediately crushed on Luke Perry. So, now it's back reincarnated into something new but similar... or something.

As the updates roll in more and more of the original cast of high schoolers are returning to reprise their roles as adults.... Jennie Garth is the most recent returnee - as a guidance counselor at West Bev and it sounds like they are hoping that many of the alums will be making appearances on the spin off.

Yeah, I'll probably tune in for this as well....

The next remake that hit my radar recently was Cry Baby the Musical... yes the original movie was a musical as well but that wasn't quite as highlighted as it is now that it's on Broadway. (Clearly not only aren't there any new concepts but if it has anything to do with John Waters it must be a musical)

I'm sure the play will be fun but I'm not sure they found as hot a Cry Baby as Johnny Depp.... *sigh*

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dim Sum Dreams & Whitney Wins!!!

Last Night was Jules' Birthday Celebration dinner .... We went for Dim Sum (in case you were guessing) & it was a fantastically fun time!

Then I came home to catch up on the Finale of ANTM which was half way through - thank goodness for DVRs - I love zipping through the commercials and catching up to 'real tv time'. I found the very-condensed cover girl commercial bit interesting enough, but I was really happy to see that Fatima didn't make it to the final two. I have been rooting for Whitney all along but thought that Anya was the 'shoe in favorite' that would certainly make it to the finale 2.

Anya's accidentialy fantastic photo

But when the runway show was on Anya lost her perk and spark, which really surprised me. I realize that she was emotionally overwhelmed when preparing for the cover girl commercial but I really thought she's turn that 'energy out!' on the runway. But Whitney really 'brought it' on the runway! Granted her sexy walk was very sexy and I was concerned that she had too much of a sexy hip wiggle and that it would count against her. But in the end it didn't!

I know some (Tea w/ Lemon in particular) thought that Tyra was going to have a plus size (aka: normal size woman) model win this year as a way to slap-back at all the tabloids for her swimsuit photos and whatnot, but who knows if that had anything to do with it? I hope that Whitney has a good future in modeling no matter what. & I am sure that Anya is going to do very well in the modeling world as well.

Yes, it was a good evening - dim sum w/ friends and then a great TV win! Wheeee!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

SciFi Geeks: United We Stand

Gotta love the un-election (aka: pretend) elections going on inside the minds of SciFi enthusiasts!!!

I'm sure there is discussion as to whether
this is supposed to be Mal & Zoe Washburn (she did
take his name when they got married) ~ otherwise
it'll be a dead running mate...

For those that want to vote for the creature who
does not represent the "lesser evil”

No word yet on Adama's Running mate....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Possession Is Nine-Tenths Of The Law

Madonna’s adoption case of David, the Malawian toddler she found in an orphanage, is nearing it’s end. Finally! You were following the case closely weren’t you? No?, well neither was I but clearly now that it’s almost over it’s back in the entertainment headlines.

There has been quite a bit of controversy surrounding Madonna and her recently found 'son':
~ Some child’s rights groups have criticized the adoption saying that it would be better if more resources were provided to the country not just this one child (who surely will be treated like a KING)
~ & there were concerns that the temporary custody would be revoked if David wasn’t being treated as well as the other Richie kids were (Right, as if he would be treated less by the Madonna-family – ha!)

The way I see it is to insure that this adoption goes without a hitch Madonna has set up a variety of charities which include the funding of 6 orphanages in Malawi. She has also hired her Gardener, yes gardener, (who must have always been a budding filmmaker – you see he was making home movies with her kids) to film the documentary "I Am Because We Are," which shows poverty and disease devastating the lives of Malawi's children, and urges people to volunteer to help.

All in all everything that Madonna is doing is great for the country and the children of Malawi ~ but I guess even if your Madonna you have to give back before you can keep what you've already got...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Wife Wanted

WANTED: Part-Time "Wife" needed to help busy single woman keep her apartment organized, clean & tidy. Window cleaning not necessary.


Over the last few weeks I've been organizing my home. With the help of my dad I moved furniture to change the layout of the living room and stash some stuff away and in the process I was able to reclaim my dining room area which had gotten out of control. & this weekend I finally put my 2007 files away to make space for the 2008 paperwork that was starting to pile up. ACK!

Now I need to hire someone to help me keep it up and clean because honestly I just don't have the time, desire or energy to do it myself.

So where can I find him???

Friday, May 9, 2008

Drive by blog’n

So in Entertainment Weekly Magazine there is an article critiquing Kanye’s Glow in the Dark tour and they gave it a B+…which isn’t all that bad of a grade….

And then in all of his gansta glory Kayne blogs back at EW:

Yo, anybody that's not a fan; don't come to my show. For what?! To try and throw ya'll two cents in? Ya'll rated my album shitty and now ya'll come to the show and give it a B+. What's a B+ mean? I'm an extremist. It's either pass or fail! A+ or F-! You know what, f**k you and the whole f**king staff!!! I know I shouldn't dignify this with a comment, but the reviewer threw a jab at all the artists. I just wanna know when was the last time you enjoyed yourself. If you can't have fun and lose yourself at this tour it's a good chance you're a very miserable person. I actually feel sorry for you guys. Your job forces you to not have fun anymore. Grab a drink, holla at some nice girls, and party bitch!! You don't know sh*t about passion and art. You'll never gain credibility at this rate. You're f**king trash! I make art. You can't rate this. I'm a real person. I'm not a pop star. I don't care about anything but making great art. Never come 2 one of my shows ever again, you're not invited and if you see me...BOW!! This is not pop, it's pop art!

Guess Kayne doesn't even believe his own "Stronger" lyrics:
N- n- now th- that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger

...but if he did believe in his own lyrics he'd have to stop whining about everything wouldn't he?...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Things you wish you never knew

Every Thursday is ‘report day’ at my work and there are about 20 of us responsible for emailing our “report” to the whole company. Over time we have taken this requirement and jazzed it up to include the silly, but cute, smiley faces, holiday wishes, etc. just to keep the report from being so boring. Well today, one of the jazzed up email reports included a note about it being "No Socks Day" today.

Bet you didn’t know that there was such a thing… or even why there is such a day…well, it turns out there really is such a thing...

No Socks Day

When: Always on May 8th

No Socks Day is a day to free your toes of the confines of socks and stocking. Give those toes of yours a breath of fresh air. The creators of this day also profess that No Socks Day will reduce your laundry load, and therefore, is healthy for the environment.

It's easy to participate in No Socks Day. Just leave your socks and stocking off, and let your toes enjoy a moment in the sun!

Note: While washing your feet prior to participating in No Socks Day is a requirement, painting your toe nails is completely optional.

Believe it or not this is a copyrighted holiday…. Really!

In fact you can see the many other who-knew-it-was-a-holiday holidays they have invented & copyrighted

The only good thing about this being brought to my attention is that now you and I are prepared to participate in the next who-knew-it-was-a-holiday holiday Eat What You Want Day on May 18, 2008. But please don’t be a fool if you are allergic to a kind of food and think this holiday gives you a pass for the day.

Then again if you’re going to do something that stupid than maybe it’s just meant to be.

Somebody please hand me a fork so I can stab myself in the eye now!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Collect Them All

OR NOT....

Pete Wentz, uber-emo dude from Fall Out Boy, has new make up line hitting the shelves of a Hot Topic near you.

Snip right off the internet (I couldn't make this up):

Mr. Wentz is set to launch a collection of five vegan, punk-themed pencil eyeliners called WentzPentz. Sold exclusively at Hot Topic, the guy liners will retail for $3.99. In addition, each shade of the pencils were inspired by Pete's childhood in Chicago: Green-Eyed Sidekick, Fireside Bowl, By the Power of Grayskull, Let's Take the Brown Line to Wellington, and Blue Line, Next Stop: Damen.

Awwww, childhood inspiration... gotta love the He-Man reference [By the Power of Grayskull] It really shows that he's a normal guy that wears eyeliner.... Not that I care, but he dares to compaire himself to David Bowie in this statement: " David Bowie before me, I am known for my displays of cosmetic derring-do."

Oh puleeze! Really? His cosmetic derring-do?
What's next a Pete Wentz Beauty Pageant? Well, I guess I'd support a Male Beauty Pageant if M.M.'s O.G.B.F. was in it... but only cause he'd SO win!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Silicon Valley Open Studio

Over the weekend my mom Joanna, a fantastic fused glass artist, Teri an artist friend of my moms who is a painter, and Davina jewelery maker /bellydancer-extraordinaire all took part of the Silicon Valley Open Studios. My mom was the host artist so the weekend show was at her home so I went over on Saturday to hang out for the day.

Here are some pictures from the day:

Davina shows off her jewelry making techniques

Here is Joanna's fused glass 'store'

Close up of Joanna's fused glass work

Teri's paintings were set up in a corner of the garden

An interesting thing happened in the afternoon, there were two older women who arrived to take a look at the artists, and while disusing semi-precious gemstones with Davina she told us how she recently went to the Jade Markets in Beijing and that she learned how to tell real jade from fake jade. As we kept chatting she told us that her son flew her to Beijing so she could attend the opening of his movie...the movie that he directed. The movie was The Forbidden Kingdom so her son must be Rob Minkoff (yes, I had check for the info). Davina who had seen the film was able to compare notes about the film itself with her while I just sat there and smiled...

Isn't it interesting who you can meet so randomly..... it's a small world really...

In a theater near you ...

Well, eventually....
So there were a few movie trailers before the Iron Man movie - I thought for sure that they'd show Speed Racer but nope... Instead they showed the new upcoming Narnia film, the Adam Sandler flick that surprisingly looked pretty funny (the print ad's make it look like a bad Blow Dry or The Big Tease knock off). There was a great Indy 4 trailer which was awesome to see on the big screen ~ since I've only seen it on my computer and TV thus far.

And then there was The Spirit. The trailer looks pretty interesting.... Again, let's not forget I'm the non-comic gal, so of course I'm not familiar with the story/comic but I do know both Will Eisner & Frank Miller and the trailer looks good. And after a quick trip to I got a look at the cast: Scarlette Johanasson, Samuel L Jackson, Eva Mendes and some dude named Gabriel Macht (he's the Spirit / Denny Colt).

Seriously, I'm sure Gabriel is going to be fine, I see that he was in the Recruit with Collin Farrell - but because Collin Farrell was on screen I pretty much didn't notice anyone else. And I found out that he's married to Jacinda Barrett (yes, the Jacinda from Real World London, oh and some movies now too....)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Iron Man

Summer Movies are officially here! I know I wrote about Forgetting Sarah Marshall but really Iron Man is the first of the official summer flicks. Please feel free to go elsewhere for an actual, well written, review by a professional.... really go on... you're still with me? Okay, read on....

Right, so for those, like me, who don't know a thing about the Iron Man story it's okay - the film gives you all the necessary background needed without taking forever to get you up to speed. Personally I'm a fan of Jon Favreau and I enjoy his films. I was excited to hear about this film even without knowing about the story because of Favreau. I found Robert Downey Jr to be great as Tony Stark and sexy. Gwyneth Paltrow was pretty sexy too and she was impressive as hell as she ran in serious heels; and Jeff Bridges has an smile not to be trusted and is sporting an odd look: shaved head with beard... just odd. Terrence Howard was good and I loved that Favreau was Starks bodyguard.

Before the film my friends and I made some guesses as to the ratio of guys to girls = 80% men to 20% women and we were about right. And we also guessed about the 'dude' to 'geek' ratio.... which we didn't come up with an actual ratio but we had 4 'geeks' sit behind us who made us chuckle under our breath with their gamer discussions. Unofficially, I think that there were more dudes to geeks, but it was a Sat night and I guess that the ratio may have been the other way round on opening night.

This is definitely a movie to be seen in the theater on the big screen - I think that will enjoy it at home on my TV but I'll be seeing it for the second time not the first - so you gotta see it in the dark on a big screen! I really liked the special effects (especially Stark working in the laboratory scenes and the learning to fly in the suite) as much as I enjoyed Tony Starks glib attitude and one liners...

Oh yeah, I give Iron Man 4 out of 5 stars

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Hey, is it 1983 or 2008?

Before Gossip Girl used "OMG" in their advertising "Like, oh my God" was standard speak right along with "Fer Shur", "Tubular!"& "Gag me with a spoon"...

But that was like from 1983 so you can imagine my surprise when I last weekend while at the Belly Dance Festival I came across a Valley Girl flashback in the flesh. I was worried I had slipped in time rift or something.... when I saw this girl and her purse caring boyfriend.

Her hair in the side ponytail, the jean mini w/ multi colored polka dot tights and pink legwarmers... He's wearing a top-siders, a pink polo below the cosby-style sweater & yes the collar is up.

Barf me out!