Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Swirl, Tap & Buff

I am a big fan of Bare Minerals makeup. Slowly family and friends have been changing over to this line of makeup. Sure, I gush about it but they end up liking it on their own for the very same reasons I do…too bad I don’t get a commission.
Anyhoo, Davina has wanted to give the makeup a try so this weekend we headed to the Mecca of makeup: Sephora at the Stanford Shopping Center. The moment we walked in we were cheerily greeted by a dark haired pixie-ish young man. He was about 5 foot 3 maybe, he was sporting dark purple eye shadow and practically trilled when we asked for assistance with the makeup. I wish I could remember his name… maybe it was Tad or something like that ??

Pixie Boy (which is how I’ll forever remember him) ended up getting authorization to help Davina with the makeup. At one point a coworker came over, possibly to check that he was doing as he was told and was doing it right. Well, this new staff person was almost as over the top as Pixie Boy – I swear he was donning a black with white polka dots ribbon in his crew cut hair. The Gay quota at that moment was off the Richter-Charts.

While Pixie Boy continued through the process of 'makeup layering' or something with Davina, some song started up in the background ~ if you know me, even a smidgen, you know I’m constantly moving to music. Pixie Boy caught some kind of chest lift out of the corner of his eye and he just gushed “Ohhs & Ahhhs!”. Davina told him that I was a belly dancer and the gushing persisted so I did some kind of brief impromptu mini performance and I got such a glee-full response from him, it was so sweet. Gotta love an appreciative audience!

At the end, while Pixie Boy was explaining to Davina that the makeup starter set she was getting included an instructional DVD she asked him if it was a mini him? He replied “it’s a forty year old with boobs version of me”.

If we could have taken him with us I think we definitely would have!

1 comment:

Marja said...

Try as I might, I've yet to jump on the Bare Minerals band wagon. So so many people I know rave about it all the time that I probably really should check it out, but I've just been resistant for some reason.

Can you tell me more about the product? Is it good for all skin types/ What is the coverage like? Easy to use?