Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Who believes this stuff?

Every day in this inter-web-world that we live in we all receive some kind of email that is telling us that something unexplainable is true. But what you choose to believe and look at is your call.

Remember these cute, apartment ready, Bonsai Kittens?
BTW, don't worry, the Bonsai Kittens are different from this Force Field LOL kittty...

Actually, Bonsai Kittens created quite an uproar and I read that the FBI investigated this and I'm guessing PETA was freaked out as well.

One of the latest is: "Pop Popcorn with Cell Phones" as seen on YouTube... These videos were made by a company called Cardio Systems and is a promotion for their bluetooth headsets. If you were directed to the actual website you'd see the disclaimer stating that the videos were fictitious and humorous optical illusions designed for entertainment. Sure it's entertaining when you choose to watch it but when everyone you know if emailing you the same warning about the damage that your cell phone is doing to your brain, what ya gonna do?

When I receive an email telling me about some kind of scam, unusual controversy, chain letter type call to action to save someone/find a missing person, etc, I try to remember to visit to check out what's real and what's not. Really this is why exists ~ check it out before you email everyone you that email you just received. :o)

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