Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sick Day....

Don't ya hate it when you actually end up taking a sick day from work because you are actually sick?! That's me today. Drinking lots of water and slept and relaxed all day. I powered through Monday so today I could get over this darn cold in a day.... The most sad thing about being home all day is that there really isn't a damn thing on TV!

Anyhoo, now that I'm feeling a bit better I thought I'd spend a bit of time here. Last weekend was the 4th of July holiday and it was full of time spent with family, friends and the movie theater. The two movies I caught this weekend was Get Smart & Wall*E.

Get Smart was enjoyable. I did watch the original shows but not religiously and I haven't seen them in a long, long time. Carell's Maxwell Smart was fun to watch and while he was a accident waiting to happen this time the character wasn't quite as clumsy as in the original shows ~ in the original shows it was his bumbling that saved the day. I believe that Carell didn't watch the originals TV show but that Anne Hathaway did. And while we are on the topic of Anne: talk about hot, that girl is HOT! I remember seeing her in person at WonderCon and she was very pretty in person and according to Jake she's nice too. All in all I enjoyed the movie!

Wall*E the newest Pixar film was made here locally in the Bay Area. The original plan was to go on Saturday night with some friends but we had to change the plan around to Sunday afternoon instead.... Before going to the movie on Sunday I talked with my mom who had seen the film the the day before. My mom immediately said don't bother, it's depressing and kids won't understand the story. Hmmmm should I have decided not to go? Hell no!

I didn't tell my friends about my moms mini review and we went to the movie theater. The short: Presto, was fantastic! Just so great! Cute Bunny named Alex and the magician who I think will take a bit more time to feed the bunny before showtime.

Pixar did it again for me. Wall*E is a sweet film. I'm not going to tell you anything new ~unless you haven't read one single review yet. I really enjoyed the first bit on earth learning and watching Wall*E go about his normal day finding trinkets that catch his eye... EVE, the iPod looking robot, arrives and changes everything. Seeing how people are living 700 years in the future is a bit depressing as is the trash left on earth (and around earth for that matter). Wall*E is the hope that everyone needs and in the end (moral alert) people make the right choice..... ~ Big Smiles Around ~

So later that day I stoped by my folks for a quick visit and we discussed the movie - she still had the same view point... and that's okay. I see the film as a love story set in a time that has moral aspects to it. Wall*E himself is beyond adorable and I left with a nice feeling about the story regardless if there was a we are killing the world with our trash theme.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get Smart looks okay overall, though Steve Carell seems to be veering more and more toward slapstick-style humor