Wednesday, August 26, 2009

For the love of .... vampires

Geesh! So I'm not a pop-culture hermit by any means, but I'm too old to be digging the Twilight Fads that are seeping into everything these days.

My opinion of the first Twilight movie was that it just didn't have enough sex or violence in it (being that I'm an adult and not a teenage girl that's weepy and full of longing that makes sense doesn't it? Actually, I don't recall ever being that girl when I was in my teens).

A recent trip to Boarders opened my eyes to the marketing world that is Twilight. I'm not just talking about the books and the movies, I'm talking about all the crap for sale!

While just browsing the store I happened upon a Twilight themed table that had book bags, picture frames, little jewelery boxes with Edwards picture on it. A lot of the stuff was made of plastic and was priced upwards of $9.99. OMGWTF?!

In my teens I remember purchasing lots of magazines. I would trade magazine pictures with my BFF ~ she wanted all the Duran Duran and I wanted her Adam Ant and Billy Idol....

Kiefer was the Lost Boys 'Billy Idol'

Sure I collected pins (actually I still have my pin collection - a few choice items get to go onto my ComicCon badge each year): Berlin, Madness, Depeche Mode, Adam Ant, heck even Boy George... if it was New Wave Music related, most likely I had it!

I expect and understand Twilight calendars and a few t-shirts even but a whole line at Nordstroms?

Am I just too old to understand and appreciate this phenomenon?

Back in the day I obtained my pop-culture-vulture goodies at the record store. Don't know what records are - google it. Warehouse and Tower Records were the stores you could regularly find me buying cassettes (again, google it), posters and pins after school. An occasional trip to SF or Berkeley would direct me to Amoeba Records or Rasputin or Telegraph Ave in Berkeley where there were soooo many stores to pick from back then.

Does one really have to choose a team? Edward Bella or Jacob....whatever

I will choose Griffindor if I have my choice -& wait didn't Edward/Robert Patterson technically start at Ravenclaw or was it Hufflepuff?

My Vampire team is Spike
. Don't get me wrong, I liked Angel, and I liked good-Angel with Buffy, but really it was the bad boy (as always) that won me over! His British accent, amazing bone structure and hot bod (you know which season really had Spike practically bearing all....) yum. Nothing more to say really....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keifer is my one ~ to love.
he is a little sparkley though in a sinister way*