Sunday, August 23, 2009

Don't call it the Antique Roadshow.... there is an s!

Months back my mom had my father and I apply up for the Antiques Roadshow tour. In the end my mom was picked from the lottery and I was the lucky one to go with her!

Saturday, August 15th - One day only the Antiques Roadshow took over the San Jose Convention Center. I was anticipating long lines outside of the building but the convention center is huge so the lines were inside and the lobby was practically empty.

The rules for Antiques Roadshow are: One person per ticket, and only two items for appraisal per person.

Here are our tickets:
and here are some of the goodies we were taking in to have appraised

So the rules are 2 items per person and yes you see more than 2 things here... more about that later.

My mom was taking this bowl with matching plates along with another dish set.

Here are some of the long, long lines I foolishly thought would be outside of the building.

I enjoyed looking at what other people were bringing

As we got closer to the actual check in there was this sign letting everyone know that no photography was allowed....

I was still near the above sign when I took the below picture.

Below these people are getting their '2 tickets' so they can get in line

This couple had an old metal kids bike - I have no idea what else they brought with them

Breakin' the Law... (the Antiques Roadshow law that is)

So here is where I was sneaking out the camera when no one was looking..

This was the line we waited in outside of the 'appraisal area'.

As we got closer you can see the walls that surround the Antiques Roadshow 'corral' . They only let us in, small groups at a time, so it always looks busy behind the two filming areas.

I realized once inside you could get into another line before you leave the area - so with my little box of goodies in hand after having the jewelery appraised I casually got into the Silver line and had my Victorian mesh purse appraised (more breaking the AR law I know).

And here is my best 'breakin the law photo'.

I think, but am not certain, that this is J. Michael Flanigan. I thought the "mullet" outfit he was wearring was just too over the top not to sneak a picture. (mullet outfit: business on top, and party on the bottom!)

While taking this photo I was caught! Really! I wasn't kicked out or anything but I was noticed and was approached with a motion to put the camera away.... which I did.

Let's take a closer look - notice the man on the Right, he definitely saw me with my camera

At the end after all the sneaky pictures and getting in an extra line I was not a millionaire but I got some neat news about my Victorian purse - it's value is WAY more than I spent on it.

There was just one last stop before leaving - the Feedback Area. This is where it's you in front of a camera and you get to say whatever you like about your experience in less than 2 minutes. So I went in and talked about the purse and maybe, just maybe, I'll end up as a quick clip on the show broadcast in 2010. You know I'll be recording the San Jose tour dates - it's my understanding that there will be three 1 hour shows from the one day.... so I'll let you know if I end up on TV (I really hope my hair looked good!)

1 comment:

Divinedm said...

Mullet outfit! Hilarious! Love starting my morning off with humor. Thanks for making that happen and for the recap. Now I guess I need to get ready for work. Love ya! -D