Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Guilt'09 is in full force (as usual)

Yes, as always the beginning of a new year equals GUILT.

In fact Guilt'09 practically drenched my Sunday newspaper with all the ads reflecting sales for:

*Workout Clothes (because you must look fashionable while you sweat off the makeup)

*Workout DVDs (as if any work out DVD is going to get turned on once you tune into your DVR to watch last nights ep of Flavor of-Charm School-Tool Academy!?!)

*Home Workout Equipment (sure, that treadmill will become a bulky clothes hanger in 2 months)

*Gym Membership Deals (can't start the new year without keeping your resolutions right?)

Speaking of New Year Resolutions: Nope, I don't buy into it and don't make any. I forget how long ago I stopped making a list. Seeing as I always forgot about them around March anyway, I decided why bother. If I, in general, try to be a good person for myself, friends and family that should be good enough.

While the volume of 2009 Gym Membership direct mail crowds my mail box I just toss them into the recycling bin. I've been a long standing gym member since college because I know what kind of person I am. Some people can work a job from home or work out in their living room every night ~ I'm just not that kind of person with that level of discipline. I instead am drawn, like a moth to a flame, to my TV &/or movies (thanks to Netflix DVDs arrive regularly in my mailbox right along with the direct mail crap). Luckily I know this about myself so I've passed on offers over the years to become a consultant or telecommute for work ,etc. While these work options became pretty popular here in the SillyConValley I know that I need to be held "accountable" in person, with a desk, etc at a place of work to keep me focused. ( I swear that I'm typing this during my lunch break...)

Over the years it's been a love / hate relationship with my gym, but I'll never give up the membership since I'm locked in for an inexpensive yearly rate and have access to so many of the chain gyms all over... At times when I've taught Bellydance classes I'll get free access to the gym of that place, but I'd still never give up the actual membership because the interest in bellydance can waiver and before I know it the YMCA is bringing in new Zumba classes until the next new 'it' class turns up.

Keeping my gym membership is kind of like keeping that X on speed-dial - you know if you happened to make call they'd show up for a visit at your behest, just because....

I like knowing that I can go to the gym when I want/feel like it, or go to the gym where I'm teaching (when that happens), or skip it all when I just don't feel like going because I have a standing date with my DVR.

There is a fantastic Rhymes with Orange comic from a few years ago that has a permanent spot on my kitchen fridge (sorry I didn't get around to scanning it) which shows a gym regular yelling at all "New Year Resolution" folks on the cardio machines telling them to "get out of my gym and go back to your food courts!" I really do love that comic!!!

Well, that's enough for Guilt'09 - I'm off to take a bellydance class through the local Parks and Rec's!


Marja said...

Like you, I've had the same gym membership sine 1994. In fact, i became so accustomed to shelling out the measly $19 a month for years that I didn't even notice that the GYM HAD CLOSED!!

In fact, I'm still paying that $19 and trying to figure out where me membership was transferred to.

That just goes to show you how often I work out ;)

Dancer said...

Okay, that's just wrong!!! HAHAHA!