Wednesday, December 10, 2008


and mash. (get your mind out of the gutter!)

Yes, it's just a couple days away.... The
Dickens Fair in San Francisco.

I'm really looking forward to some hot cider-rum, hanging out in Mad Sal's Dockside Alehouse, and watching all the fantastically dressed ladies and gents waltz ~ makes me dizzy just to watch.

Really though the best thing about going to Dicken's Fair is that it's a fun way to immerse yourself into Victorian London for the day. The costumes, the store fronts, it's all there for you to see, touch and smell (luckily this is a more controlled environment so the smelling part isn't too bad). And you can go one of two ways - as a character to play along or as an observe just watching but still playing along.

I've honestly never played a character at Dickens I go to observe and have a good time and plan to do just that - have a good time!

Here are a couple pics from last year:
Can-Can Girls at Mad Sal's
Waltzing at Fezziwig's Warehouse

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