Saturday, November 15, 2008


MTV may stand for Music Television but they must forget that concept every time the MTV staff schedule another reality show. I remember an MTV when there were only music videos on. Then there was the show Remote Control but it was at least a music trivia game show so it made sense. Now shows on MTV have very little to do with music: The Hills, My Sweet 16, Real World/Road Rules/Challenges, etc, etc.
I guess MTV has decided to make it up to all of us, for not showing videos anymore by making pretty much every video ever aired available on their website.

Take Me On
This video by A-Ha was extremely cutting edge at the time

And now TRL, which I think is the only music related show left on MTV, is now ending. This Sunday Carson Daly (the original Total Request host) is back to bid it farewell...

Really we should be bidding farewell to Music Videos not necessarily MTV because MTV is sticking around. Granted there just isn't any music content to support the name but the channel isn't going anywhere.

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