Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekend goings on...

Well, I'm wrapping up a busy weekend and preparing for a new week.

Friday night in San Francisco I attended An Evening with Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer with Rebecca. Not knowing what to expect it felt like an adventure.

All I knew was this:
starting halloween night, amanda palmer & neil gaiman will be tearing up through the west coast of north america on a mini-tour.
we'll have a piano, a ukulele, and maybe some other weird instruments, as well as some unpublished and uncollected Neil Gaiman stories and poems. we'll both probably switch up what we're presenting from night to night. we'll be taking questions from the audience, chat-style, and trying to do special things in each venue, busting out a few surprises 
From kickstarter website

Rebecca and I await for the show to start

The lobby was filled with anticipation - you could just feel it.  Some were wearing ears, hats with feathers, skirts and tutu's. Regardless if some had attended the "2nd SF Night" on Wednesday everyone seemed giddy in anticipation.

We were treated to three hours of songs, poetry, stories and a Q&A with Neil and Amanda.

The Q&A box where anyone could ask a question to be (possibly) read during the night

There was an easy flow to the evening. You could tell that there was a skeletal structure with flexibility to flow allowing for some last minute changes including audience suggestions for songs, and Neil changing his story just before his reading to keep with the 'vibe' in the room.

Here are a few of my pictures - the lighting was low so the pictures are a bit grainy

Considering this was only the third show and there are four more for them to go it appears that this will be a 'new' show each and every night, which is pretty great.  This will make all the attendees feel like this show is special just for them.

Bellydance show in Los Altos, CA

The very next day I, along with three other lovely lady's, we held a belly dance event in Los Altos.  It was a long day but it was a really great day and event!

Here are a few pictures:

Festival dancing started at 1pm

We had a packed house

Stasha was the opening act of our Featured Dancers portion of the event.  She was a great start to the show.

Adriana was another of the Featured Dancers

Natika was the final dancer of the evening

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