Hey! Where is a new episode of ANTM? Is there a reason we are watching a recap of the previous shows? I don't understand. I wanted to see who was next to go!
It's Wednesday night and I'm without my normal to do...............ACK!
Satan's Scrapbook is my home away from home...where I get to share, rant and blather about stuff that interests (or annoys) me
At least you found out ahead of time! Imagine my embarrassment when I got all psyched up to watch it and was dissapointed with a lame re-cap.
It was soo bad I was forced to watch American Idol Gives Back, and I still feel ill from the group dance numbers.
Oh...I am a HUGE fan of the So You Think You Can Dance dancers!!! Really ~ I went to see them with Davina even.
I found that the bright flasing lights were a bit annoying and made it so it was hard to see who was there. Yes I'm a Dance-Geek.
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