At my office the women's bathroom the doors are all fancy ~ made of wood with Marble-like posts ~ and are really long too long to easily peek under to see which is occupied.
I can't stand trying to guess which door is going to open and which is locked tight with some woman in there being as silent as a mouse! I know it's silly but I try to make my "presence known" by rolling the toilet paper around to make noise so it's not a shock when she tries to open the door but finds it locked. I think it's sort of helpful....letting them know someones in here instead of trying to fool them into thinking they are alone - Come on, who knows what they would do if they thought they were all alone!
I'm sure this is an uncomfortable subject for some but it annoys the hell out of me!
I'm not even going to get started on the ladies that leave the bathroom
without washing their hands....
without washing their hands....
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