Wednesday, April 30, 2008
"Top This" Quickie
Miley Who?? Whocares... that's who

I'm actually way more creeped out by this

I know that I didn't come up with this but I have to say I agree: It's clearly Disney (her bread $ butter) that is freaking out so she's totally back pedaling as fast as she can to make things right. She's not on Girls Gone Wild or looking skanky... So what's the big deal?!
Don't forget it was Brooke Shields that told us that "nothing comes between her and her Cavlins."
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Portland Trip....

Monday, April 28, 2008
Confused & Curious
So I'm really curious what they will be rockin' and what kind of dancing will ensue during the song... Maybe there'll be a little Rock of Ages. I really would love to see what they'd do with
Gunter glieben glauchen globen
I got something to say
Yeah, it's better to burn out
Yeah, than fade away
All right
Gonna start a fireC'mon!
Now for the Confused part:
Since I'm on the TV topic what the heck is going on with Reality TV? Okay I get it - Tila has another season of "Shot at Crabs".... But now there is Farmer Wants a Wife um... really?!?
And then I find out that this show is only new to the USA! Yes, this show is already a hit overseas! Not that we (the US) is entirely unique in our shows (see The Office, Coupling, Pop Idol, etc...) but now the newest import is the Bachelor but with Hay and Cows.

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Break A Zill!
So wish me some good luck! This afternoon I'm off to Portland, OR for a mini-vaca' with Davina.
The 3 day weekend get away includes a visit with my sister and a Belly Dance Festival. Friday Davina, Sara & I will hit downtown Portland with the #1 Goal being a visit to Powell's Books. If you've never been to Powell's Books it's an amazing book store that is HUGE ~ not "Louvre huge" but BIG! Not sure what else we are going to do for the day but it'll be fun I'm sure. Although I hear it's going to be cold and rainy.... :o(
Then Sat & Sun is the Belly Dance Festival & I'm dancing at 2pm. Should be fun! I just have to make sure not to buy stuff - not only don't I have room for more things but I honestly don't need any costuming right now.... So I must be strong - NO shopping for me!
Photo above is from the Rakkasah Belly Dance Festival in March 2008 - thanks Sarah of Wicked Smileys
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Girl Can't Walk!

And then it was Judging time and Whitney and Lauren were in the bottom two..... and Lauren was sent home. She got far, geesh she got to Rome
Dinner with the Girls...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
It’s being called “The Great Matzo Shortage of 2008”

I’ve heard the theory is that because this year Easter was in March the grocery stores displayed their Kosher Passover foods at that same time – presuming that the two holidays were occurring consecutively, which is not the case….
Costco didn’t carry matzo this year in their famous gargantuan quantities (As a single gal I could never buy matzo at Costco because just I couldn’t eat 10 boxes of matzo in 8 days!). Even Trader Joe’s which has become a great source for alternative foods (including lots of gluten free products for folks like me as well as Kosher, Vegan, etc) took a pass this year for the Jews ~ they weren’t carrying Matzo nationwide in all their stores. Really now, what kind of message does this send?
Seriously though, it’s really weird this Matzo shortage. Can’t remember a shortage like this before. I don’t think it was planned or anything so I’m not taking it personally ~ especially since I’m personally not affected (with not eating wheat and all) ~ but the idea of kids not being able to have a peanut butter and marshmallow fluff matzo sandwich is just depressing! That was my childhood favorite during Passover!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Forgetting Sarah Marshall

The TV commercials were very funny, the billboards and signs on the buses (I'm SO over you Sarah Marshall) were great... And while I'm fed up with the 'From the Makers of Knocked Up", I'm so NOT over Jason Segel!!!!
Yes, the summer movies have officially started. And for starters Sarah Marshall was fantastically funny and great fun! So the movie may have been brought to you but the what-ch-ma-callit but Jason Segel wrote it and stars in it in all his glory (really!). Don't want to give anything away but Jason's penis has a story line in the movie...
So, yes I recommend this film if you feel like laughing a lot and really enjoying yourself! There are a few cruchie parts especially with Jonah Hill (Superbad and Knocked Up) but it's such great fun.
And remember the Summer Movie season has only just started... here are the movies that I'm putting on my Must See list....
- Indiana Jones - The Crystal Skull
- Iron Man
- Speed Racer
- Wanted
- Wall-E
- X-Files
- Dark Knight
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Really Big Surprise
In the 80's Judy was my bestest of friends in high school. I went to my first concert with Judy (Depeche Mode 4/3/85 Oakland, CA), we used to go out dancing practically every weekend, we had lots of sushi dinners and went to SF to go hang out by day and by night we went to a particularly cool bar that didn't check ID.... ah those were the days!
We went to SF State University together, but like normal people we grew apart. We were on really different paths ~ there wasn't a fight or anything (that I can remember) but it was a clear division between us at that time and it wasn't a great happy thing. So that was it, we went our separate ways.
So this week, about 15 years later, I get an email from a name I don't totally recognize but the subject line has my high school nickname (no I'm not telling the nickname) so I opened it immediately! I was stunned! Judy just joined Facebook because a friend of hers invited her and she found me.
After all this time and you might think it'd be akward, since our friendship ended as it had, but I just wanted to know what she was doing, where she was, etc. She's married now (hence my not recognizing her name), has a baby, & lives in the East Bay. We have sent quite a few lengthly emails trying to fill in the blanks and there is still SO much to cover. I can't wait to get to see her in person to really catch up.
Guess I finally found a good reason not to have gotten married, huh? Otherwise, she'd never have found me...
Paris Hilton BFF search HOT or NOT???
Shorter than the line at the neighborhood Starbucks according to this quote:
…the scene outside Nikki Midtown earlier this week didn't exactly resemble the thousands of hopefuls you'd see lined up for a shot of American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance. Actually, it didn't even resemble a half-price latte sale at your local Starbucks.“There were less than 40 people there," one audition insider tells OK!.
Maybe it’s just meant to be… this way Joey (aka M.M.’s O.G.B.F.) really has a chance at becoming Paris’ new BFF! Now, now… we don't doubt O.G.B.F. will win in the end ~ I mean with that winning smile, day-glow orange skin color and fierce wardrobe and personality. Who wouldn’t want him as your very own BFF?!?!
But, trust me, you can’t afford him so don’t even think about it!
Skank of Love (finale)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Kelly is the BEST!

To see Kelly in her full glory check this out, you'll completely see why she's my favorite person in the whole wide world!
Shoes! OMG!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
It started off good – Angelina & Brad – HOT! Then there was Will & Jada Smith, which was nice enough. And then after a few it was Drew Barrymore and Justin Long and then Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck which is all good. All of these are stolen kisses which are pretty sweet and then there is a shot of Tom Cruise & Katie Holms which makes me pause.
This special celebrity kiss is Tom kissing Katie on her left hand with her staring down at him with a quirky smile (don’t forget how short he is compaired to her). It’s just so odd! So I click the more link to see the rest of the info along side the photo and see that all these pics have a Passion Rating and the rating for Tom & Katie is Cornball. Whew, at least it’s not just me!
So I scroll along and see quite a few nice kiss photos. But then get to image #17 and it’s Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt so I have to check out the Passion Rating and its: Faker than a $3 bill. Hahahahahahaha!

Friday, April 11, 2008
Absinthe ~ Craze

While I’ve never tried it myself, Absinthe has been one of the most popular-underground drinks of choice. I remember being invited to an Underground Absinthe party but for some reason I didn’t go *I think I found a boy to hang with instead…*. Well now the drink has reached above ground because it’s now no longer illegal to make, sell and drink.
I’m all for the enjoyment of Absinthe, however “Mansinthe” has also hit the market and I’m not sure how I feel about it. According to the write up I read “The official Marilyn Manson Absinthe” is award winning – gold medal even! (see info here)
Is this what the world really needs?? Mason flavoured Absinthe?
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Skank of Love

But who knows what the Poison Front-Man will do.... The last chick he picked to be his True Skank decided not to stick with him and she was pretty cute ~ maybe he's just too broken (ya think?)
Idol Gives Back
Here's my recap of what I liked best of the show (in no particular order):
- So You Think You Can Dance dancers - I love them! (but I was annoyed with the flashing lights that made it difficult to see)
- Jimmy Kimmel's roast of Simon Cowell was fantasticly funny!!!
- Annie Lenox was amazing as always
- Fergie-Ferg w/ John Ledgend was really nice. Then she came back and rocked Barracuda with Heart - after some wierd horse walk onto stage - and it was awkward with Fergie writhing all over the stage while the ladies were just hanging out but the song was good!
- I enjoyed Terri Hatcher and the 'Band from TV' perform - the pre-skit was stupid but the performance was good! I didn't know she could sing...
- Seeing Snoop just reminded me of him at Comic-Con and how M.M. and I rushed around trying to find him free *stuff* to give to some kid at a party he was going to (we didn't find anything good and pretty much gave him a bag of flyers and junk)
- Reese is too cute!
- The banter between Billy Crystal and Miley Cyrus was just cringe worthy. Did anyone else notice the wierd way she kept holding her left arm when she let go of the mic stand? Odd.
- Mary Murphy - um the yelling was unnecessary (really)
- Sarah Silverman was there, right? Clearly un-note-worthy
- The video's by Bono, Daughtry, Forest Whitaker, etc were all very touching
- Ryan Seacrest may be the 'Hardest Working Man' in the entertainment biz but he was trying way too hard to be funny.... not good
- I know they are saying Carrie Underwoods dress was a bad choice but I thought it was very pretty.... oh yeah, she sang nice too.
- Speaking of singing the Idol contestants sang too
- And in the end what made it all worth it....Brad Pitt walked out on stage and got a Standing O. I almost got up from my couch as well to applaude just because he is so amazingly good looking! (Actually I kinda wanted to be the woman that had to mic him/touch him)

Silly I know...

At my office the women's bathroom the doors are all fancy ~ made of wood with Marble-like posts ~ and are really long too long to easily peek under to see which is occupied.
I can't stand trying to guess which door is going to open and which is locked tight with some woman in there being as silent as a mouse! I know it's silly but I try to make my "presence known" by rolling the toilet paper around to make noise so it's not a shock when she tries to open the door but finds it locked. I think it's sort of helpful....letting them know someones in here instead of trying to fool them into thinking they are alone - Come on, who knows what they would do if they thought they were all alone!
I'm sure this is an uncomfortable subject for some but it annoys the hell out of me!
without washing their hands....
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Where is my TV show
Olympic Torch Drama

So hints of locations would be leaked and I can just see (in my mind's eye) the rush to get to where everyone thinks the torch route was changed to. All those people in black *it is the official dress code ~ unless you're expecting the other outfit: plaid shirt, jeans and work boots often found in the Castro ~ waiting to shout and wave their signs.
What's really sad are the people in support of the Torch Run that weren't able to see it go by because of all the route changes. :o(
Hmmmm not sure what the feeling should be around all this... pleased that the city protected the torch, overwhelmed by all the protesters, or sad for the folks that didn't get to see it at all because the route kept changing.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Well I took the plunge....
I decided to try out the blogging-thing.... Being the type of person that often has an opinion about pop-culture, off beat stuff and whatnot I thought this might be fun.... Guess we'll see.
By the way the blog name comes from my *theory* /partly a joke that "Scrapbooking is the way that Satan comes into your home". I already promised off beat stuff, didn't I?