I'm feeling out of the loop lately.... here are a few things that have hit my radar recently, that I just want to squawk about:
Elf Much?
Elf Much?
What is going on with 'kids' today?!?!
Body modification is not new, clearly... but somehow Spock / Elf ears have made it to main stream. I don't mean glue on, Halloween prosthetics. I mean I went to the Plastic Surgeon and got a pair or ears (not boobs). Hmmmmm... think I'll Pass, Thanks.

Rachel Ray is a Terrorist
All Rachel wanted to do was sell donuts and iced coffee...
In this picture you see that scarf that she is wearing ~ it's a Kaffyiah and honestly I didn't realize that this is now the 'symbol' of Muslim extremism and terrorism. But Dunkin Donuts isn't taking any chances. They have pulled these advertisements with her wearing the scarf

I just want you all to know that I bought my very own Kaffyiah while I lived
in Israel from a Jewish family owned shop back in '89...
I don't know if online video's 'drop' the way an album does but Kelly's new song/video has dropped and you really need to check it out here. (sorry I haven't figured out the adding a video thang)

1 comment:
Ugh! The Rachel Ray thing makes me insane!!!
Our orange friend Joey wore the same scarf last time we went out, and he is OBVIOUSLY a mechanism of jihad! LOL!
People have way too much time on their hands, and shame on DD for pulling the ad.
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