In San Carlos, CA of all places.....
Saturday night out with the girls was the plan. Head out a bit early to get a table and watch some local cover band sing who knows what and have a good time having drinks and chatting it up with men.
Except when we arrived we found there was very little parking which seemed unusual. Once we found parking you could hear the Metallica song loud and clear as we crossed the street to the entrance.
*You may remember that I'm a Metallica fan and was excited about the CD they released back in August so I was intrigued and excited to see what was going on inside*Once inside we saw every single metal head in the Bay Area was at this bar.
Seriously! Who knew that there was going to an Annual Metal Tribute Concert that night!?!??

They started at 2pm, there were two stages, one inside and one outside on the patio, Jagermeister girls were selling cheep shots and handing out glowing button things... Unbelievable how many metal heads were gathered in one place. The male to female ratio was 10 guys to every gal and everyone was pretty much friendly and non-pretentious, which was refreshing. I would have loved to see the Chili Pepper tribute band, but they were on before we got there. We caught the Metallica, Tesla, Megadeath and Ozzy / Iron Maiden tribute bands. The bands were really good, we enjoyed the music & the scenery ~ especially since there were so many guys there.
To give you a little peek at the scenery we experienced (remember this was a tribute concert so I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised to see guys physically emulating / in tribute of their idols):
I swear that Joey Ramone was there.
And there was a guy that was completely living the Mark Wahlberg Rock Star look.
There was also dude that completely looked like Slash minus the top hat (which made me remember that Slash is the guest mentor on this weeks ‘Rock Week’ on American Idol – yes I’ve become hooked into AI this season and while I don’t think Adam Lambert will win it’ll probably be in his best interest to be 2nd or 3rd)
Some of the other looks on display was a very goth metal head look, ala Hot Topic, that was an interesting compilation of the two themes… To this very day I thank Metallica for making it okay to be a metal head with short hair, because sometimes that long stringy look is just not attractive!
While the music was good, and the male scenery was good, or at least entertaining, I was really surprised to find that there are a lot of short metal head dudes. Really. Who knew... I knew it was a shorter than normal crowd when I could stand up back at the bar and actually see the band over the head of the crowd, that’s hardly ever the case since I’m only 5’5”. HA HA HA!!! *Remember hot and short is better than tall and fugly*
I'm thinking that I'll jot this annual event down for my 2010 calendar..... ya never know.