While summer may mean boring reruns on TV to some it also means Reality TV Time to others (like me
and maybe some of you too! ;)
While I wait for the July premier of Project Runway I'm enjoying So You Think You Can Dance which I absolutely love! And today was the first peep about the next Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew & I just can't wait. While I'm no angel or anything after watching the first episode of CelebRehab my jaw was on in my lap!~ sorry, but for me, the concept of being addicted to anything /drugs /alcohol is just not in my personal make up and I truly couldn't comprehend it was was shocked and amazed by the show and the personal videos pre-rehab check in.

And then as the ep's continued the reality show aspect kept raising it's ugly head [Example: Jeff Conway's outbursts, withdrawl, ... well, anything he did and said basically was just so over the top!]. So, yes I'll be there for the next installment (via my trusty DVR) to see who's so messed up and who benefits from the help of sexy Dr Drew and his staff.
Jeff will be back (because he basically didn't graduate last and I guess he hopes that 300th times the charm) but this time he'll have to compete with Hot-Mess Gary Busey! Oh sorry, my bad, Gary is joining the cast to *share* his experiences with recovery as he is now 13 years sober ~ just goes to show you kiddies: DON'T DO DRUGS!
You most certainly don't want to be like Gary Busey when you grow up!Also joining Jeff in Rehab will be Sean Stewart (whoever), Amber Smith (ditto: whoever), Rodney King, Nikki McKibbin (American Idol), Steven Adler (Guns n Roses) and Tawny Kitaen (Actress). Okay let's stop and reflect....
Tawny Kitaen may be interesting. First known for her "flexibility" on the hood of a Jaguar in Whitesnake videos in white virginal-like negligee then her life took a turn for the worst and this is her in 2006:

The second reflection goes to Niki McKibbin - the AI contestant that just didn't sing well enough to win in Season 1 but she was quite a cutie.... Oh, but that was then:

I know cheap shot photo ~ but I just couldn't help it
Nikki started hawking her AI status on Fear Factor and Battle of the Network Reality Stars but didn't really do anything singing related... hmmm, wonder what kind of mess she is now...?
On a side note Celebrity Circus starts to night on TV and while I had no intention of getting sucked up into this show I think I may take a peek - so far there are three celebrity's that have injuries from the show and now I'm just curious.... awful isn't it? Well my DRV won't mind, I don't think.